International mobility

According to the German vocational education act (BBiG) parts of vocational education and training can be completed abroad. This opportunity is taken on by an increasing number of trainees in order to acquire intercultural competence. In 2019 nearly 1,400 trainees in Hamburg took the opportunity to work abroad. The ways of funding internships and stays for training purposes are extremely diverse.

In cooperation with the mobility agency of Arbeit und Leben Hamburg, the HIBB supports and counsels trainees, interested students of technical schools, as well as teachers, instructors and companies in general.

Against the background of existing and anticipated skills shortages the HIBB has created the possibility of mobility for third countries (all non-EU countries) in collaboration with the Employment Agency Hamburg. For young people from these countries special conditions apply.


Arbeit und Leben Hamburg

International Mobility


Janine Frommann
International Mobility Coordinator
Central Office for VET International
Hamburger Institut für Berufliche Bildung (HIBB)
D- 22083 Hamburg
Hamburger Straße 131
Phone: +49 40 428 63 – 2969