VET International

In the age of globalization the exchange of international experience is becoming increasingly important, this also applies to vocational education and training.
Against the background of a high rate of youth unemployment and the need for professionally qualified personnel in many countries both in Europe and also worldwide, there is great international interest in the proven German Dual Training system. The improvement of qualification in vocational education and training has become one of the main supporting measures in the EU member states in order to strengthen innovation, competitiveness and economic growth. In order to achieve these, the German model of Dual Training offers very good solutions.

Throughout the years, the HIBB has gained excellent expertise both in terms of transnational vocational mobility and the implementation of elements of Dual Training in other countries. The HIBB can draw on a pool of experts with extensive know-how in the field of vocational education and training. The experts come from all Hamburg vocational schools which are currently offering 240 training occupations.
As a start, visitor and information programmes in Hamburg give experts from interested countries an initial insight into the principle of the Dual System of VET.

TVET Hamburg

the HIBB as partner for international cooperations

green TVET school – E-Learning course on renewable energies and energy efficiency in February 2021

Mobility offers for third countries; Target groups and conditions, organization, projects


Beate Gröblinghoff
Central Office for VET International
Head of Office
Hamburger Institut für Berufliche Bildung (HIBB)
Hamburger Str. 131
D-22083 Hamburg
Phone: + 49 40 428 63 – 2627